Friday, February 10, 2012

Penguin Parade

I went to visit my friend Jay who has been living on Phillip Island for the last couple months and was fortunate enough to attend the Penguin Parade. It's about a 90-minute drive south of Melbourne and well worth the trip! Normally, an adult ticket would cost $22 but thanks to Jay and his friends on the Island, our tickets were free! Thanks again Jay!

Every evening at sunset, the march of the penguins captivates onlookers as thousands of little penguins waddle their way from the shore to the safety of their burrows in the dunes. They were much smaller than I expected but that’s because they are actually little or fairy penguins, the smallest of penguin species. And the baby penguins were even smaller and fluffy and incredibly cute! Photography and video is strictly prohibited but I couldn't resist :) For better quality videos and photos check out Phillip Island Nature Parks.

Waiting for the penguins to make their appearance in 14 degree Celsius...burr! 

A bit blurry because I was sneaking photos but they finally made it to shore!

He's a bit difficult to see but still cute!

Waddling away!

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