Thursday, April 5, 2012

Aussie Barbie

It's Good Friday and every shop is closed so the Aussies barbecue. All dogs, veal and lamb sausage, pork sausage and black pudding. No shrimp here! It was very authentic and interesting ;) I supplied some cheese from work, The Barossa Cheese Company, for the appetizer aka entree as they call it here: Le Petite Princess (Goat Camembert), Barossa Washington Wash and Barossa Halloumi.

My friend brought the fixings for the hot dogs and served them the signature 'Zeunert' way with cream cheese, onion, bacon and homemade tomato sauce. Sounds weird but tasted so good!

Then I baked chocolate chip cookies using my roommate's recipe, he's a baker!
What a Good Friday...pun intended ;)

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