Sunday, October 30, 2011

How To Order An Aussie Coffee 101

If you go to a coffee shop and order just a coffee they will reply...

Would you like [with an "are you serious" look on their face]...
1. Short Black...aka espresso
2. Long Black...aka black coffee
3. Latte...aka coffee with milk and little foam
4. Cappuccino...aka coffee with milk and lots of foam
5. Macchiato...aka espresso with foam
6. Flat White...aka coffee with milk and no foam

Flat White and Latte

Can you guess what these are? The first person who guesses correctly gets a free postcard from Australia!


  1. Yes, you are correct but I suppose a postcard isn't that cool since you live here. How about I buy you a beer?

  2. Latte, long black, and a macchiato. Scott clearly has a question mark at the end of his, so he is questioning his answer. I made a statement and I'm really super-duper sure of my answer. I win! I'll be expecting my postcard in the mail.
