Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Fallen Giant

While I was traveling the South Island, I happened to hear about a beached whale from a local. We were told the whale had washed ashore in the night just a short 15-minute drive from where we were staying in Greymouth. Once we arrived at the location at Kumara Beach, we spoke to other locals who were very disturbed by this event, informing us this was the third beached whale in the past week. The Department of Conservation had inspected the whale and shortly released, "It's certainly unusual and it may just be coincidence. There were some major storms at sea…that's the only likely reason I can see at the moment." But I think the real question, is what’s causing the storms? New Zealand has had its wettest year to date with many floods and other environmental issues throughout. And unfortunately, a week later another beached whale washed up in the same area. It makes me wonder, is global warming becoming a real concern?

Locals gather to witness the third beached whale in one week

15 meter [50 foot] sperm whale awaiting the traditional Maori burial

The cause of death is still undetermined

Terribly sad but a once in a lifetime chance to be this close to a fallen giant

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