Monday, May 13, 2013

Doesn't Get Any Fresher Than This!

South Korea's fish markets are a must see. If you're a seafood lover this is the place you want to be and if not it's still an amazing sight to see. It's stall after stall of freshly caught seafood...and the best part, you can bargain with the vendors. Prices will vary from vendor to vendor and we were fortunate to be with a local who translated and bargained on our behalf.

The Deal: 3 fresh fish and 5 fresh scallops for only $50 US dollars. You can take it home to cook it yourself or if you would like to dine in their upstairs restaurant and have them prepare sashimi for you it's only an addition $5 sitting fee per person. Great deal if you ask me! They do it all right in front of you and prepare your sashimi immediately. It was a bit difficult to watch but it's how the do it here and it doesn't get any fresher than this!

She was trying to entice us with LIVE octopus, which is a traditional Korean delicacy but with it flapping around in her hands kept me walking right passed. Maybe next time, I had fresh sashimi on the brain J

The beautiful spread of the freshest fish in South Korea. The $5 dollar sitting fee includes unlimited sides of kimchi, korean pancakes, chilies, garlic, rice, wasabi and lettuce [it is common practice to make lettuce wraps out of most anything]...this was more than enough to feed 5 people.

O-gook, our amazing tour guide, translator and cultural ambassador, showing us how to make his special dipping sauce. It would have been a completely different dining experience without him...we are so grateful for his help!

The crew

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