Sunday, March 10, 2013

Thai Cooking Class

After finishing work in Germany, I traveled Southeast Asia for a couple months before making my way to New Zealand for vintage. My first stop was Thailand. It is the land of beautiful beaches, friendly people and amazing and fresh food. I kept myself busy with endless new sights, hikes and scuba diving, which made me work up an appetite for what else?! Thai food of course…when in Rome right? J I enjoyed the food so much that I wanted to learn how to make it so I can enjoy authentic Thai food even when I’m no longer in Thailand. So I went to Sammy’s Organic Thai Cooking School in Chiang Mai. Sammy and his wife own an organic farm just outside the city. They are extremely welcoming, friendly and knowledgeable. They taught us about all the different herbs, vegetables and fruits needed and we picked them fresh from their garden ourselves.

Sammy's Organic Farm

Sammy's wife picking Thai basil from her garden 

I learned how to make lots of different dishes but my favorite would have to be, hands down, the yellow curry! We could choose from 3 different curries to learn: yellow, green and red [aka jungle]. Now anyone that knows me well, knows I can’t handle spicy food. I love flavorful spices but pure heat just doesn’t do it for me. So with yellow curry being the least spicy of the three that was my obvious choice. I was the only one in the class to choose the yellow curry. At the end of the lesson, we shared our curries and everyone agreed that mine was the best. I’m not trying to brag…okay maybe I am J but seriously Sammy’s yellow curry is amazing!!!

The judges, I mean students 

Not sure if you’re as big a fan of curry as I am but the recipe is below if you’re keen.

First, you make fresh curry paste…now you won’t have to get yours from the grocery store anymore J

Yellow Curry Paste or in Thai Nam Prik Gaeng Kari:

4 dried chilies
1 Tbsp chopped lemongrass
1 tsp chopped galangal
1 Tbsp chopped shallot
1 tsp chopped garlic
½ tsp chopped kaffir lime rind
½ tsp roasted coriander seed
½ tsp roasted cumin seed
½ tsp peppercorns
1 tsp copped turmeric
1 tsp yellow curry powder
½ tsp salt

The necessities 

Sammy teaching us how to slice and dice our ingredients
  1. Put all the seeds in a mortar and grind with a pestle into powder
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients except the shrimp paste and yellow curry powder. Grind until all ingredients are mixed thoroughly.
  3. Add shrimp paste and yellow curry powder then grind until it becomes a fine paste.
  4. Put the paste in a jar and chill until needed. FYI: The paste is good for one month if kept cool.
The grind

Now you're in business!

And now for the main dish…

Yellow Curry with Chicken [Gaeng Kari Gai]: Serves 1-2 people

2 Tbsp yellow curry paste
100 g sliced chicken breast
1 cup coconut milk
½ onion, peeled and sliced
1 cup potato, peeled and diced into bite-sized pieces
1 stem spring onion, cut into 1-inch pieces
1 tbsp fish sauce
1 tsp grated palm sugar

  1. Put yellow curry paste into boiling coconut cream and stir until a strong aroma is released.
  2. Add sliced chicken breast and pour in coconut milk. When the chicken is finished cooking then bring to a boil.
  3. Add potatoes and onion. Stew on low heat, stirring occasionally until the potatoes are desired tender.
  4. Season with fish sauce and palm sugar. Cook for about 2 minutes then add spring onion and remove from heat.
  5. Serve with jasmine or sticky rice.

Thai people don’t typically eat bread so the sticky rice is there ‘dinner roll’ and they use it to dip in the curry. [Recipe below] I highly recommend it!

Now who wants dessert? I do! What Thai meal is complete without some mango sticky rice?! I think this might be my favorite dessert ever. I know it’s a bold statement but wait until you try it. Well you’re going to have to make it first J It’s easy, check out the recipe:

Sticky Rice Recipe:

Soak the sticky rice grains in fresh water for at least 4 hours or even overnight for better results. Drain, rinse and put the rice in a bamboo steamer. Steam for about 30 minutes until the rice is soft and the grain becomes clearer. Remove from heat and put in a hotbox or bamboo basket to keep warm.

Mango with Sticky Rice [Khao Neaw Manuang]: Serves 1

1 cup hot cooked sticky rice
½ cup coconut cream [different from coconut milk]
2-3 Tbsp palm sugar
¼ tsp salt
1 ripe mango

  1. Combine the coconut cream, sugar and salt in a sauce pan and bring to a boil, stirring often. Remove from heat.
  2. Stir in the hot steamed sticky rice and mix well with the cream. Then cover with a lid for 20 minutes until the cream has been absorbed.
  3. Let cool and serve with sliced mango
Note: Ripe papaya, pineapple or seasonal fruit can be substituted

My plating presentation skills need work but I promise it tastes way better than it looks J

Now get to cooking and enjoy!

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